Conference Dates
June 13 (Wednesday) – June 15 (Friday) 2018
Important Dates
Registration deadline: April 30, 2018
Abstract submission deadline: May 30, 2018
Conference fee payment: May 30, 2018
Submission of full manuscripts: May 30, 2018
Conference fee
Regular fee 200 Euro
Fee for PhD students 180 Euro
Participation at the Conference is subject to the payment of the registration fee.
Conference fee includes conference materials, meals, coffee brakes, excursions, gala dinner.
The fee does not include accommodation.
Account for transfers:
Pedagogical University of Cracow
IBAN: PL 78 1240 4722 1978 0000 4851 6422,
with a note: DK-304 surname
For Credit Card Payment, please, go to: Payment
Accommodation is not included in the conference fee and organization team does not participate in booking hotels. However, we have contacted two hotels and we have made pre-bookings for 60 people. If you are interested in choosing this option, feel free to contact directly the hotels and make your booking (please let the hotel know that you will be participating in Animal Physiology Conference). The pre-bookings will be valid till 31 March 2018.
Student Hotel „Krakowiak”
Pre-book beds: 20.
Price: starting from 20 Euro.
Hotel „W Pałacu”
Pre-booked beds: 40
Price: starting form 30 Euro.
After 31 March 2018 all the pre-bookings will be cancelled and the best option to find a room in Krakow will be the query with or similar service.